Aluminum projects

About SDC

Contributing to a safer world!

Our long experience in structural engineering as well as our passion for teaching and mentoring young engineers led to the creation of Special Design Consultancy (SDC). We offer our services in consulting and design of projects, while providing coaching and mentoring services to young engineers thus supporting them to found their professional careers on solid ground.


Our team consists of highly skilled and talented individuals with strong and demonstrated background in the design and analysis of infrastructure and transportation related civil engineering projects, underground works, foundation, buildings, aluminum façades, doors,  windows and other special projects.

Our Mission

We are committed to deliver on schedule safe and cost effective solutions through original ideas for the whole project, including 3D-modelling, analysis and design of complex structural issues along with the relevant technical reports,  detailing drawings, bill of quantities and budgets.

Our Strategy

We undertake the project as a total aiming at detecting and confronting any potential problem that might arise, minimising the required time while ensuring high quality and advanced accuracy. We teach and guide you, step by step, how to complete your own projects with the same efficiency.

Our vision

Our vision is to guide young engineers towards our profession through the path that leads to the design of safe, elegant and cost effective structures transmitting them our knowledge and experience.


Sharing knowledge and experience!

SDC presents a strong academic background and an extensive professional experience on analysis and design of structures. Emphasis has been placed on the structural design of infrastructure projects, under extreme loading (seismic or wind) or soil (liquefaction or landslide) conditions. Our unique point is the investigation of cable structures subjected to dynamic loads, with their response being characterised by geometric non-linearities and phenomena of non-linear resonances. Our team is also specialised in the aluminum field providing support in the product design and project management. Guided by the long experience and full scientific expertise, the team of SDC is capable of accomplishing every design project with the highest consistency and reliability, guaranteeing the perfect completion of any project design based on the state of the art knowledge and the most experienced view.


From concept to implementation!


Welcome to our world!

Engineering design

We perform the structural analysis and design from conceptual to detailed design stage. We review the structural design detecting possible errors or amendments in the assumptions, modelling, analysis, or drawings, aiming at the best result. We provide consulting services for a cost-effective and safe engineering project.

Career coaching

It is our belief a healthy working environment and a job that transforms the working hours into pleasure is the only acceptable conditions. Everyone of us has the possibility to built a brilliant career. It is required self-confidence, prioritised criteria and qualifications presented in a proper way. If you are a young professional looking for your dream job, or an experienced one  desiring a career change, we can help you find your way to success.

Student supervision

Based on our long teaching experience we can provide supervision, editing and proofreading services that will help the students simplify the thesis writing, which is one of the most difficult and time consuming procedures.


Let your career begin today!

What Others Say About Us

Making a difference


Let us get to know each other!

    Mon - Fri 10.00am - 6.00p.m