Railway route 10

Owner : Infrastruktura e Hekurudhave te Kosoves (InfraKos)
Detailed Design & Tender Dossier : OBERMEYER HELLAS Ltd

Southern Part (Fushë Kosovë – Hani i Elezit), Republic of Kosovo

General Information
Date of design : 2015-2017
Cost of construction : 100.000.000€


The project includes 34 existing bridges along the section Fushë Kosovë – Hani i Elezit. 8 of them were concrete bridges whereas 26 of them were steel bridges. The concrete and steel bridges with small spans were replaced by new reinforced concrete structures. It was decided to strengthen the steel bridges with large spans, respecting their historical value.


The result of this study could be either a retrofitted bridge with provision of all the necessary measures required, or a replacement of the existing bridge by a new one if the retrofit solution was particularly expensive or/and in general non convenient.


The analyses aimed to check the stability and the resistance of the existing bridges, in the light of the new regulations and provide all necessary data for the retrofitting of the construction, or even replacement. Interventions, if needed, were decided taking into consideration all other restrictions (international criteria of interoperability etc), the new alignment and hydraulic requirements, as well as the condition of the existing structure.

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